Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Baby Pump/ Body Bump (like Body Pump, the fitness class... in case you didn't get it)

Oh hi!  Long time no blog.  Anyways... I'm pregnant!  17 weeks to be exact, and since I've been working out regularly so far, I figured I should probably blog about it, considering I'm a Personal Trainer and all....

Soooo I've been running and doing just about everything I was doing before, but my runs are a little slower and my workouts are not quite as intense, mainly because my energy levels are not the same (obviously), and probably because I constantly remind myself that there is a HUMAN BEING GROWING INSIDE OF ME!  That being said, my baby is very healthy, as am I, so I'll keep it up as long as I feel good and the doc is ok with it of course. 

I'm at 17 weeks.  I call this the awkward fat stage, AKA the stage where people wonder "is she pregnant? or is she just getting fat...?"  Photo proof:

summer 2012
Now: the "is she pregnant... or getting fat?" stage
Ok enough about me, here's more about me.... my workout I did today:

35 minutes on the elliptical.  I prefer running, but I just didn't feel like it today.  Probably because I ate this for lunch: 
Or maybe the Chipotle from last night was sitting heavy?  Either way, you shouldn't judge me... I'm pregnant!

Back to the workout.  Then I did an allover body circuit of:
15 straight leg dead lifts to shoulder press - 12.5 lbs
10 seated dips with legs straight out
plie squats with single arm swings - 12.5 lbs, 12 on each side
love handle leans - 10 on each side holding 12.5 lbs
Repeat x3

That about sums it up for today!  Want more info on the exercises I did?  Any other questions?
Please feel free to contact me through my website EmilyExercise.com!

I'm going to start sharing my prego workouts regularly to help motivate other pregos to get off your bums and help your bumps!  It's good for you, and more importantly, it's good for your baby :)  Just remember to talk with your doctor first. 

Monday, September 12, 2011

Heart Rate Monitor Myth

This morning when I was catching up on the daily health news, I was very excited when I came across this topic I touch on regularly.  I always discuss heart rate monitors with my clients... and how I think they're crap.  I was very glad to see CNN's Madison Park and Competitor.com's Matt Fitzgerald are as smart as I am.

Last week, I had a friend join a local gym.  With the membership, you get a free "fit test," so she took it.  After, they told her she should take a cardio test (which is not free) so she could see what her fat burning zone is.  If she takes the test and learns what her zone is, then (of course) she'll have to buy a heart rate monitor.  How convenient that the gym sells those too!  Anyways, I told her not to take the test because there's a much easier (and cheaper) way to tell what "zone" you're working in - The Talk Test.  

The Talk Test is very simple.  I believe the first time I was introduced to it was when I was a 14 or 15 during sports conditioning.  Zone 1 is the easiest and zone 5 is the hardest.  Here's the gist:

1 - Can easily hold a conversation while exercising.

2 -  Still easy to maintain a conversation, breathing is getting heavier. (fat burning zone)

3 - Conversation is getting harder.  Only a sentence here and there, and breathing is getting more intense.

4 - Conversation is difficult.  Only one word can be spoken at a time, need to focus more on breathing.

5 - Cannot talk.

This method works.  Even better, it works for EVERYONE!  Heart rate monitors  and/or treadmills that have you putting in information about your weight, age, etc. can only be so accurate.  There are so many factors that play into it.  For example, If you're 50 years old and have been extremely active your whole life, chances are you're going to have to push yourself harder to burn fat or build cardiovascular endurance than someone who is just starting out (Duh).

The perceived exertion is a more reliable source of exercise intensity.  In layman's terms, we're not stupid, we don't need a watch to tell us when we're pushing too hard or not hard enough.  So skip the fancy equipment.       

Here's another "zone" tip: The fat burning zone is at low intensity, so people think if they always do that they'll lose weight.  Well, a lower intensity will help you burn a greater percentage of fat, but if you work out at a higher intensity you'll burn way more total calories and fat calories!  So make sure you're incorporating high intensity as well.  May I suggest interval training?  Or maybe a Bootcamp?  Specifically mine that is held in Centreville on Saturdays at 9 am! ;)


Friday, September 9, 2011

The Better Belly Post

By popular demand, here are some good core workouts!

1. Standard Plank - Do for 30 seconds (or more) 3 times, or alternate between 1 or more of the below exercises.

2. Side Plank - Same time as above.  you can also spice it up by adding a "reach under."  Reach under and behind your torso with your right hand, then lift your arm back up to the starting position.  Do 10 times on each side.

3. Lunge with Twist - Standing with a 5-15 lb weight or medicine ball, lunge forward with right leg and twist towards your right side, then return to standing position.  Repeat on left side.  Do 10 reps on each side.

4.   Alternating Hip Raise - Lay on back with knees up and feet on the floor (standard crunch position), now lift hips off the floor all the way, bring one knee into chest and back, now bring the other knee to chest and back.  Continue until you do at least 10 on each side.

5.   Wide Stance Plank with Arm Reach - Plank position with feet shoulder width apart. Reach out your right arm and hold for 5-10 seconds.  Now reach left arm.  Do 2-4 holds on each side.

6. Yoga - It's one of the BEST types of exercise for your core.  Every pose incorporates stability work, which will tighten your tummy!  If only it wasn't so boring.....

7.  Cardio -   Doing different core exercises is great, but those muscles you're working on will have a tough time showing if you're not shedding fat as well.

8.  Diet -  Back to basics.  Eating well will keep that belly in check. 

(photos courtesy of Women'sHealth)

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Food for Thought: Portion Control


We hear it all too often, especially when trying to get fit, lose weight, or just maintain a healthy diet.  But how much is too much? Or too little?  It's an easy concept, but visualizing the right amount of food to consume is more difficult than it seems.... well, at least it was!  Check this out....

It's the new Plate Icon!  It's replacing the old food pyramid (thank God!) .  How sweet is that?!  It's a quick AND easy way for Americans to visualize how they should eat. 

More than one-third of children and more than two-thirds of adults in the United States are overweight or obese. 

Woahhhh! my thinking is we should all start by hanging this on our refrigerators... then visit EmilyExercise.com!  What a beautiful combination diet and exercise make :) 

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Working Out Can Be FUN!

Get in shape and have FUN!

12 week Bootcamp for just $100!
Saturday mornings at 9 am!

 Challenge your body!

Learn new exercises!

Meet new people!

Be motivated!

Get fit!

Be happy :)

Contact Emily Today!

Friday, April 15, 2011


I've had several of my clients ask me what they should be snacking on during the day.  So, here's a simple list with several choices.... Enjoy :)

1. Yogurt (Greek is best)

2. Granola Bars (Kashi chewy bars are good or you can make your own)

3. Chocolate milk (yep, that's what I said... it's a good pre and post workout snack too!)

4. Almonds, cashews, walnuts, etc. (watch your portion size)

5. Oatmeal (remember it's a snack, so have just one packet)

6. Frozen Juice Bar (when you're craving something from the freezer)

7. Fruits and Vegetables (obviously)

8. Cheese (again, watch your portion size)

 9. Gum (for when you're bored and not actually hungry, but you think you are) 

Happy Snacking!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Happy Hour!!!

Bootcampers, RunMonkeys, and Personal Training clients...
It's time for Happy Hour! 
With the weather warming up (FINALLY!), I think it will be fun to get together and have a drink to reward ourselves for all of our hard work.  That being said, we don't want to let it all go down the drain.  So, here are a few low calorie drink options:

For beer... always choose something light, especially for happy hour - those cheaper prices usually lead to more drinking...

  • Becks Premier Light - 64 Cals
  • Bud Light - 110 Cals
  • Corona Light - 99 Cals
  • Coors Light - 102 Cals
  • Heineken Premium Light - 99 Cals
  • Michelob Ultra - 96 Cals
  • Miller Light - 96 Cals
  • Miller Chill - 110 Cals

  • Bloody Mary - 150 Cals
  • Champagne - 85 Cals
  • Diet Tonic Drinks - less than 100 Cals
  • Gin and Tonic - 103 Cals
  • Mojito - 160 Cals
  • Sour Apple Martini - 160 Cals

I LOVE margaritas.  However, the calorie count is a little high.  I run and workout a lot so I treat myself to a fishbowl size margarita on occasion, but if you're watching your waistline, it's not something you want to do on a regular basis.  Here are two simple and tasty recipes to maintain that bikini body and keep your summer taste buds satisfied:

Basic Margarita
  1. Squeeze one lemon and one lime into a blender
  2. Add one cup of water and fill the blender with ice
  3. Add two shots of tequila
  4. Sweeten with splenda (optional)
 Strawberry Margarita
  1. Put frozen strawberries (6 per drink) in blender
  2. Add one shot of tequila
  3. Add ice and 1/2 cup of water 
Blend, stir, and serve!
