Friday, September 9, 2011

The Better Belly Post

By popular demand, here are some good core workouts!

1. Standard Plank - Do for 30 seconds (or more) 3 times, or alternate between 1 or more of the below exercises.

2. Side Plank - Same time as above.  you can also spice it up by adding a "reach under."  Reach under and behind your torso with your right hand, then lift your arm back up to the starting position.  Do 10 times on each side.

3. Lunge with Twist - Standing with a 5-15 lb weight or medicine ball, lunge forward with right leg and twist towards your right side, then return to standing position.  Repeat on left side.  Do 10 reps on each side.

4.   Alternating Hip Raise - Lay on back with knees up and feet on the floor (standard crunch position), now lift hips off the floor all the way, bring one knee into chest and back, now bring the other knee to chest and back.  Continue until you do at least 10 on each side.

5.   Wide Stance Plank with Arm Reach - Plank position with feet shoulder width apart. Reach out your right arm and hold for 5-10 seconds.  Now reach left arm.  Do 2-4 holds on each side.

6. Yoga - It's one of the BEST types of exercise for your core.  Every pose incorporates stability work, which will tighten your tummy!  If only it wasn't so boring.....

7.  Cardio -   Doing different core exercises is great, but those muscles you're working on will have a tough time showing if you're not shedding fat as well.

8.  Diet -  Back to basics.  Eating well will keep that belly in check. 

(photos courtesy of Women'sHealth)

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