Tuesday, March 1, 2011

EmEx Challenge

Like many Americans, when it comes to food, I too have a hard time with portion control.  Luckily, I am very active so it can help counteract my typically large meals and not always healthy food choices.  But, since diet is just as important as exercise when it comes to losing body fat, I'm introducing my EmEx Challenge.  This month I will cut back on my biggest food vice and see what happens... 

Goodbye Peanut Butter! 
Oh how I've loved spreading you on bread, bagels, or english muffins daily, and having the occasional spoonful(s) for a snack - but you're just too fattening, and I hate to say it but your serving size of two tablespoons is never enough.  Which has led me to this conclusion: my daily dose of peanut better will now be a weekly dose. 

So, for my March EmEx Challenge, I am only eating peanut butter once a week.  I am not completely giving it up, because as we all know deprivation usually leads to binge eating, so I think once a week will do the trick.  I'm going to do this for one month and see if it makes a difference.  If it doesn't, then I need to try something else.   With Spring and Summer approaching, it's time to cut that excess body fat! 

What are you cutting back on

1 comment:

  1. This sounds funny, but I am cutting back on CHEESE! I come home and just start cutting pieces off of the block... or before dinner my husband and I will have slices of cheese with crackers. Then I am stuffed, and STILL eat dinner as well. NO MORE! I feel bloated :)
