Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Fight Against Pajama Jeans

So - it's Sunday!  And yes, I too am being lazy.  I'm just hanging out, watching tv, and enjoying doing absolutely nothing - until I see an infomerical for Pajama Jeans.  

                                                     My lazy mentality is becoming motivated.

Now, I'm getting ready to do a 2 mile run followed by my Short Sunday Circuit workout:
  • 10 Decline push-ups
  • 20 Prisoner squats
  • 20 Sit-ups
  • 30 Jumping Jacks
Do 5 sets with a 1 minute rest in between in each circuit.

Be a little less lazy and a lot more strong, and join me in the fight against Pajama Jeans by doing my Short Sunday Circuit workout!  If you decide to not participate, please, PLEASE invest in a pair of running shoes, a gym membership, or a personal trainer (such as myself), instead of Pajama Jeans.  You, your significant other, your waistline, and most importantly your heart and health will thank you for it!  :)


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